Advanced Renamer is a program for renaming multiple files and folders at once. By configuring renaming methods the names can be manipulated in various ways. It is easy to set up a batch job using multiple methods on a large amount of files. The 14 different methods enables you to change the names, attributes, and timestamps of files in one go. The files can also be copied or moved to new locations based on information in the files.
With Advanced Renamer you can construct new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name based on known information about the file.
Before performing the operations on the files you can verify that the output will be correct and if you perform the rename and regret it, you can undo the complete batch.
Image files
This mass file renamer is a great utility for organising digital pictures for both professionals and beginners. The thumbnail mode lets you display thumbnails directly in the file list giving you maximum control of the renaming process. With this program you can rename all your photos in a snap.
GPS data
If your image files contain GPS data you can add the name of the city and the country where the picture was taken. Coordinates are used to lookup city, country, and state names from a database containing more than 100,000 cities around the globe.
Music files
MP3 and other music files often have messed up names and contain weird characters. With Advanced Renamer you can change the names of your favourite music files to more suitable names using the built-in ID3 functions.
Video files
Ever wanted to add the codec or the resolution of a video to the filename? With the video tags you can add various information about video and audio content to the names.
Changelog version 3.89.2 – 2023/08/18
New menu bar
New toolbarThe menu bar has been replaced by a new more accessible and modern looking menu bar. This makes functionality easier to find since functions are no longer hidden away in sub menus.
New formatting date/time tags
Tags for formatting date and timeImage date and time information can be found in various meta data fields in images files. For years you could change which field to use when using the <Img *> tags, but now you can also choose which field to use directly from the tag. To do so use these new format based tags:
<Img DateOriginal:yyyy-mm-dd>
<Img DateCreate:yyyy-mm-dd>
<Img TimeOriginal:hh-nn-ss>
<Img TimeCreate:hh-nn-ss>
<Date Created:yyyy-mm-dd>
<Time Created:hh-nn-ss>
<Date Modified:yyyy-mm-dd>
<Time Modified:hh-nn-ss>
<Video Date:yyyy-mm-dd>
<Video Time:hh-nn-ss>
Note how the format can be set directly from the tag giving the option to format the whole date with only tag instead of using multiple date tags.
Improved high DPI and multi monitor support
For a long time multiple monitor support and support for 4K monitors has been a challenge for Advanced Renamer. For this version I have put a great deal of effort into improving support for a modern monitor setup. It can be difficult to test all kinds of setups, is if you have any problems related to screen resolution ans scale, please let me know.
Removed features
When moving forward you some times have to take a couple of steps back. It was chosen to deprecate some features of the program to make it easier to maintain in the furute. It of course sucks if you rely on any of these features, but that is how the world works sometimes.
The following features have been removed:
TV show import removed<
Bitrate based tags removed. They were unreliable.
Field GPS Accuracy removed from file info box
Library dependencies for video tags removed
ID3 duration tags removed
Advanced Renamer 4.08 – 17. january 2025
+ New column: Index showing the item index in the list
* Fixed an issue where the new names wasn’t automatically tested when moving items, toggling the checkbox, or sorting columns
* Customize columns window: When removing a column the next column couldn’t be removed before the listbox was selected again
* Modified date and time is now displayed correctly when loaded in a different daylight savings time offset than current time on macOS
+ Made Timestamp batch method available for macOS
+ New option for Timestamp method: Metadata field. Set file date to any well formattet timestamp found in the metadata of the file
* Changed format of timestamps in the list to yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss
* Changing file level date and time did not always work well when using multiple Timestamp methods in a single batch
* Added tag <Filesize Text> which will return the file size in a human readable format
* Tag <Filesize> renamed to <Filesize B>. The tag <Filesize> will still work for backwards compatibility
+ Item details window will show file level details in a separate group in the dropdown
+ When importing data from CSV file, the values will be shown on the item details panel
+ Scripting: Added new field to the item object: createdDate, modifiedDate, isAudio, isImage, isVideo, isDocument, mediaDate, mediaType
* Scripting: Improved auto completion when typing
* List method: When using “Populate list” for folders containing a dot, it would truncate the folder name to the last dot when using “Apply to Name”
* <Artist> audio tag will now also recognize the field author as an alias. Tag <Album> will also use the field AlbumTitle if available
* Fixed a bug where the program would not run ExifTool if configured to use it in the saved settings before starting the program
* Adding files to the list would not always use a natural sort order when sorting filenames with numbers
* List replace: Refixed an issue where the program would not replace the character = when using this method
* Changed how the program checks for updates on macOS
(Registered Silent Install Repack) x64
2 thoughts on “Advanced Renamer 4.08 Commercial”
If installd it shows Version is Advanced Renamer 3.89
And not Advanced Renamer 3.89.2
Thanks! Another useful one to keep my digital library nice and tidy 😀