StartIsBack is fully native lightweight zero-privileges program, cheap and fair, fast, stable and secure. Boot to desktop; Original fully-featured Windows start menu; Desktop and Modern interfaces clearly separated; Make Start screen clutter-free; Totally native; Rich customization and configuration; And More to come!
Your faithful desktop friend which helps you:
– Launch programs you use frequently
– Open documents you’re working on
– Find stuff you’re looking for
– Go to system places in one click
– Easily shut down your system
– Feel at home with new Windows
StartIsBack++ can:
– Fine-tune taskbar color
– Add taskbar translucency with blur
– Show live badges for modern apps
– Restore larger taskbar icons
– Reduce OS resource usage
Version ++2.9.19 8 March 2023
- Fixed unexpected Hold Escape to disable StartIsBack message
Remark: Only for windows 10
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x86
8 thoughts on “StartIsBack++ 2.9.20”
Can somebody please tell me how to properly uninstall this software? Revo uninstaller can’t even remove it fully.
When I try to uninstall this, the normal Windows 10 start menu does not open when I either click the button or press the key on the keyboard. Something is broken and I need to fix it.
Installer silently installs to the local userdata folder, ie: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\StartIsBack. Dumb idea silent installing as no option to change location.
Installer also has a mysterious BackupHook.exe file inside an BackupHook.7z archive – what is this and how do I fully remove this also?
Finally the installer automatically opens https://www.cybermania.ws/, but why? It’s not like I don’t know where I downloaded this from in the first place. It’s annoying.
Thanks for any help or advice from anybody.
you may extract with winrar and install your own… as said.. it was prebuilt cracked installer with silent switces. take it or leave it. about the backup file.. it won’t stay in your beloved pc. bye
For some reason when I uninstall StartIsBack from this installation, my Start menu remains broken until I reinstall it again. Perhaps now you can see why I am suspicious of this particular repack. Thanks for all your other repacks though and keep up the good work.
are you new to repacks?
Thankfully not, which is how I discovered the BackupHook.exe file. Please see my above reply to cyberloner.
9 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. VirusTotal results for StartIsBack++
13 security vendors and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. VirusTotal results for BackupHook.exe:
1 security vendor and no sandboxes flagged this file as malicious. VirusTotal results for StartIsBackPlusPlus_setup.exe:
It seems I was right to suspect BackupHook.exe.
Update link not work