The program is designed to reset, change passwords or unlock Windows accounts. With its help, you can restore access to any Windows account, be it a local profile or a Microsoft account. Allows you to regain access without damaging system files and reinstalling the system.
– There is a version x86, x64, for launching or adding to your version of WinPE
– All actions are performed in the main program window.
– You can control the program with only the mouse or only the keyboard, or both.
– Lots of different information about the user account.
– Resetting local user password and Microsoft LiveID accounts
– Removing restrictions and blocking from your account
– Clearing login history and incorrect passwords
– The program works with any Windows operating system (except active)
– Mounting and processing VHD container.
– Warning if the system is in FastBoot mode
– Installation of bypass from nikzzzz, to log into your account without knowing or entering a password.
– When you first start the program, a backup copy of the user database is created, then this can be done manually.
– You can remove changes by restoring the user database from a backup.
– Correct creation of a new System User (with Administrator rights)
– Unicode support (there will be no cracker)
– User names, descriptions and group names will be displayed in the national language, without distortion.
– Running not only in WinPE, but also in Windows operating systems
Windows Login Unlocker 2.1 Pro + WinPE 10 x64