No matter the country you are living in, chances are you must comply with some sort of privacy-protection laws meant to prevent the misuse of personal data without consent. And, since social media and the Internet are considered public places, you must ask for permission to publish video and graphic content that capture human faces. Blurring faces is, of course, the alternative to go with, as long as it does not alter your work as a videographer and one of the tools you can use in this regard is suggestively named proDAD Disguise.
This particular application is designed to help you protect your activity and the identity of those appearing in your videos. The application can pixelate faces and objects in both videos and photos, providing the tools needed to track object motion throughout all the frames.
You are greeted by a ribbon-like interface with all the controls readily available for you in the upper side of the window. You start by importing the video file you want to process, which is loaded in the preview area, having a timeline control right below.
You get multiple mask shapes in the app’s toolbar, so that you can easily align it to the face that needs hiding. proDAD Disguise allows you to change the size of the mosaic and the mask outline. Thanks to the integrated motion-tracking technology, the mask follows the face or the target object automatically as the video is played. Alternatively, in the so-called “teach-in” mode, you get to move from one frame to another and follow the object by moving the mouse cursor. You can add multiple masks onto the video, if needed. Exclusion layers and keyframes are supported. The application’s toolbox can be used for highlighting image areas that you want your audience to focus on.
proDAD Disguise features a fast motion tracker ready to assist in pixelating or blurring faces and objects in both video clips and photos. It provides a simple solution to protect both people in the video and yourself, as publishing video content without the consent of the people in it might get you lawsuits, in certain circumstances.
Thanks to MADARA release
(Installer with medicine) x64