spColumn is structural engineering software for designing and investigating reinforced concrete sections subject to combined axial and flexural loads. Top-selling worldwide, spColumn delivers a clean and simple interface for model editing and 3D visualization of the nominal and factored failure surfaces. Batch processing and integration with AutoCAD and ETABS are some of the many program features.
The Most Powerful spColumn Is Here!
The most significant upgrade to spColumn since its inception features a pioneering interface for intuitive modeling, fast results, logical reporting, and sophisticated tools all cleverly integrated into a simple and friendly workspace.
Modeling Sections With Multiple Solids & Openings
Create models with multiple solid shapes containing multiple openings using spColumn’s quick and simple tools for building cores with elevator shafts and unique bridge columns and pile bent piers.
Slenderness Considerations
Examine column slenderness and stability in sway and non-sway frames and the impact of second-order (P-Delta) effects on moment magification using spColumn’s powerful slenderness module. Review member lateral stability index requirements in acoordance with ACI 318 provisions.
Design, Optimize, Trace And Iterate Results
Don’t investigate! Design.
spColumn’s design features are less well known. Explore this powerful option in a new interface and observe design optimization while tracing intermediate and final results proposed by spColumn.
Compare Strength And Capacity of Multiple Sections
Superimpose and compare interaction diagrams of different sections in a new simple interface. Investigate detailing options, design envelopes, request for changes or contrast as-built over designed conditions and make informed decisions quickly with the Superimpose tool.
Thanks to MADARA release
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x86