// galaksion

VB-Audio Matrix 1005

October 10, 2023 - Software
VB-Audio Matrix 1005

The VB-Audio Matrix is an audio framework to connect everything together, channel by channel: Several ASIO devices, several Windows devices, several audio Applications and DAW, several Computers.

Now with the VB-Audio Matrix, all audio streams can be managed, routed and mixed together, from your USB MIC to any ASIO devices, from your ASIO device to any audio applications, to or from Voicemeeter to Discord, Zoom or Ableton Live, to or from all other computer thanks to VBAN streaming features… All connections will be possible channel by channel.

VB-Audio Matrix (ZIP Package)
Standalone Application and Virtual Audio Device supporting MME, DX, WDM, ASIO interfaces (WIN10/11 64 bits)

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(Donateware) x86 x64


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